Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Knitting Olympics are over

Well, the Knitting Olympics ended a few days ago. Did I win Gold? No. My challenge proved too difficult, so I've awarded myself a Silver for effort and achievement. I was attempting to knit two socks at the same time, which in itself is not that challenging, in fact I saw many people complete several pairs of socks, or absolutely ridiculously challenging sweaters. However, my handicap of two small boys and other real life activities prevented round the clock knitting time, but I am very pleased with the progress I made in the time available.

Here is my last update picture - this was taken the day before the end of competition, so imagine a few extra stripes added after some frantic knitting during the Closing Ceremony. I think I'm actually not far off beginning the toe.However, as the ceremony ended, and I had not achieved Gold, I was feeling a bit sad (I don't like failing on self-imposed challenges!). Like one of the US Hockey guys said, "You don't win silver, you lose silver". So, what's the best way to lift the spirits of a knitter? Cast on a new project!!

So now I am knitting what claims to be a 3 hour sweater, vintage 1930's pattern. While it will take more than 3 hours, I've already completely finished the back. If I continue at this rate, I could possibly have a new sweater by the end of the weekend!

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